Benefit Astragalus Herbs:
The beneficial herb known as the astragalus is a twining leguminous perennial plant, which can reach 11 and a half to 39 inches high when fully grown. This plant has a multi branching

Herbs Information very necessary for health and Herbs Information give information about herbs how dose it help you to maintain the health and fitness. read herbs information blog its help to increases the information about herb
Our ancestors knew the "secret" of the Apple and its life giving properties. Apple is particularly rich
in Pectin, the name applied to any one of a group of white, amorphous complex carbohydrates with
a high molecular weight. These water-soluble fibers are found in plant tissue, most commonly ripe fruits such as citrus fruits (particularly the peels), crabapples, plums, currants and apples, and researchers have found that raw Apples are the richest fruit sources in Pectin, with the "Jonagold" leading other varieties. The characteristic structure of Pectin is a linear chain of α-(1-4)-linked
D-galacturonic acid that forms the pectin-backbone, a homogalacturonan. The fiber has a gel-forming effect when mixed with water (which makes it an effective binding agent when cleansing the intestines and colon). Protopectin, which is present in unripe fruits, is converted to Pectin as the fruit ripens. Pectin forms a colloidal solution in water and gels on cooling, and when fruits are cooked with the correct amount of sugar, and when the acidity is optimum and the amount of Pectin present is sufficient, fruit jams and jellies will result. On the other hand, when fruits are over-ripe, the Pectin becomes pectic acid, which does not form jelly with sugar solutions. Modern researchers suggest that a high-fat/low-fiber diet may be one of the leading causes of death; and, thus, people are encouraged to include Apple Pectin in any form (raw fruit or powder or juice) to help protect them from the ailments that may be caused by such a lifestyle. Rich in important vitamins, tannins and an especially high Pectin content, the Apple is especially beneficial to maintaining good health.
Alisma is a very commonly used herb in Chinese herbalism. It helps strengthen water metabolism, which is a critical bodily function. It rids the body of excess dampness through the urinary tract. It is mild and safe with mild tonic qualities, especially to the Kidney and Bladder, and to the Spleen and Stomach as well. It is an excellent herb to use in a tonic program by those who need to stimulate fluid function, so long as you do not have a cold constitution.
It is used in medicinal herbalism to treat damp heat conditions, which means conditions that are associated with chronic or acute infections. It is one of the primary herbs used to treat damp heat conditions associated with the Kidney and Bladder system, such as leukorrhea, where the discharge is yellow or urinary tract infections. It is also used to treat conditions such as lung congestion where the phlegm is tinged yellow or green are examples. It is often used for obesity, especially for people who carry a lot of water weight and tend to have rosy complexions. It is also commonly used by people who have difficulty urinating and by diabetics. It is used routinely by older men to help cleans the prostate gland and improve urinary function. If you are experiencing a medical condition which you think involves an infection, see a doctor immediately. Urinary tract infections can be serious and can spread quickly to internal organs. Don't take a chance. However, you can use Alisma along with most antibiotics since it is a very safe herb. This is a common practice in
About Argrimony Herb
The Argrimony Herb is a small plant with an array of uses from it roots for dye to its stem, flowers, and leaves in herbal tea and essential oils. It is normally found as herbal powder in health shops but you can grow and harvest your own plant for home use. Origin and distribution of Agrimony
The scientific name for the Argrimony Herb is Agrimonia Eupatorium. The name is derived from the Greek word Agrimone, which was used to describe plants with healing power for the eyes. Eupatorium refers to Mithridates Eupator, who was known for his medical knowledge. It received the common name of Sticklewort because the seeds cling to passers by. It is also sometimes called Philantropos because of its healing qualities. Other names for the plant are Cocklebur or Church Steeples because of its long flower-spikes.
A case study of several people who regularly used large amounts of an oral product similar to agrimony for many years, found they had a higher incidence of tongue and lip cancer than expected. Cancers of the nose and esophagus may also be more likely in people who use large amounts of tannin.
Both oral and topical agrimony can make unprotected skin more sensitive to sunlight or artificial light in sun tanning parlors. Stop taking your medicine right away and talk to your doctor if you have any of the following side effects. Some other side effects includes as:-
Diaphoretic, antipyretic, regulatory, Uterine Tonic
Useful for the treatment of:
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Infertility (Female)
Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstruation)
Menstrual Difficulties (Secondary Amenorrhea)
Premenstrual Syndrome
Chasteberry has the effect of stimulating and normalizing pituitary gland functions, especially its progesterone function. It may be called an amphoteric remedy, as it can produce apparently opposite effects though in truth it is simply normalizing. It will usually enable what is appropriate to occur. The greatest use of Chasteberry lies in normalizing the activity of female sex hormones and it is thus indicated for dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual stress and other disorders related to hormone function. Beneficial during menopausal changes. May be used to aid the body to regain a natural balance after the use of the birth control pill.
African Bird Pepper (Capsicum africana) is a hot chili that grows wild in many parts of Northwest Africa. It derives its name from the fact that birds eat the seeds and disperse them. This chili is approximately 50,000 Scoville heat units and unless very hot food is desired, use it sparingly. Only 1/4 teaspoon is typically needed to impart medium heat to dishes containing three or four servings. Many cooks use African Bird Pepper in lieu of cayenne, which is a term used rather broadly to describe almost any red pepper or capsicum with high heat.
Try Silver Cloud's African Bird Pepper, in curried dishes, creamed dishes, casseroles, soups, and chowders. Use it to replace cayenne when seasoning barbecued meats, sausage, corned beef, pot roast and poultry dishes.
Agrimony is not commonly used today, but has its place in traditional herbal medicine. This herb is safe for use for minor ailments in most healthy people. Like most herb simples, the uses to which it is put are remarkably varied. The English use it to make a delicious "spring" or "diet" drink for purifying the blood. It is considered especially useful as a tonic for aiding recovery from winter colds, fevers, and diarrhea. Agrimony contains tannin and a volatile essential oil.
As Agrimony also possesses an astringent action, it is frequently used in alternative medicine as an herbal mouthwash and gargle ingredient, and is applied externally in the form of a lotion to minor sores and ulcers. Agrimony has also been recommended, as a strong decoction, to cure sores, blemishes, and pimples.
An herb is a plant whose leaves, seeds, or vegetation are used for flavoring food or in remedy. Additional applications of herbs incorporate makeup, dyes, and perfumes. The expression derives from the Latin herba, meaning "green crops."
Herbs have a multiplicity of uses including cooking, medicinal, or in some saintly treatment. Universal usage differs b/w cooking herbs and medicinal herbs. In medicinal or spiritual use any of the parts of the plant might be considered "herbs", including leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, resin, root bark, inner bark (cambium), berries and from time to time the per carp or additional portion.