Bee pollen herb
Bee pollen herbs information is considered to be one of the richest foods on earth, and is often referred to as "nature's perfect food.” Bee pollen was reserved for use by the original Olympic athletes to increase performance. Bee pollen provides daily support for the immune system, promotes vitality, and can be helpful in maintaining healthy skin. Microscopic in size, bee pollen is formed at the end of a flower's stamen, where it awaits the industrious bees who collect it. Try bee pollen by itself, or dissolve it in warm water and honey. Bee pollen herb information.
There have been some studies that found Bee Pollen positive in the condition of pernicious anemia and conditions associated with the gastro-intestinal system, i.e. - constipation. Bee Pollen has been useful in hormonal balance, hypertension and conditions associated with the glands (the endocrine system). Bee Pollen improves the appetite where it has been lost. Bee Pollen also contains a large amount of protein, some researchers say as much as 35%. It is high in B-Complex, and has Vitamins A, C, D, E and Lecithin. Bee pollen has long been considered a complete food because it has so many nutrients essential to life.
Those who are allergic to Bee Pollen should consult their doctor and refrain from taking Bee Pollen because it could cause itching, dizziness or even some difficulty swallowing. Small doses for anyone should be taken at the beginning.