Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Barley grass herb - Barley grass herbs information Energy booster fights allergies , Superfood packed with trace elements, nutrients

Barley grass herb

Barley grass is the leaf portion of the barley plant (Hordeum vulgare) that remains after the seeds have been removed. The rows of barley grass are parallel to the central axis, forming a loose sheath over the stem, which is sometimes called the culm. This stem is hollow and jointed, and the seeds are ellipitical and furrowed. The plant has an extensive history in human and animal nutrition. As a nutritional supplement, it is preferable to use young barley plants that have not yet developed seeds.

A dehydrated preparation of cereal grass called “cerophyl” was approved as an “accepted food” by the Council of Foods of the American Medical Association in 1939. Later, synthetic nutrients were added to a number of foods, and multivitamins gained popularity. The juice of barley grass contains beta carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, pantothenic acid, and folic acid. Minerals present include potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. Other constituents are chlorophyll, amino acids, protein, fiber, and enzymes. Cobalamin or vitamin B12 deficiency may be avoided in vegetarian diets by supplementation with dehydrated barley grass juice.

Use Barley Grass Herb:

Crop reports on barley date back to 2440 BC, and the Chinese were cultivating barley circa 2000 BC. Since biblical times, ancient Asian and Middle Eastern cultures reportedly included young wheat and barley grass plants in their diets. Historically, the plant species was used in the treatment of skin, liver, blood, and GI disorders. Ancient Greeks used the mucilage derived from the cereal to treat GI inflammations. Gladiators ate barley for strength and stamina. The Roman physician Pliny used barley as part of a ritualized cure for boils.

Although not substantiated, one source has claimed that barley grass is good for the following conditions:

  • skin diseases
  • hepatitis
  • asthma
  • anemia
  • diabetes
  • arthritis
  • obesity

Barley grass contains vitamins, particularly B vitamins, as well minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. Enzymes contained in the plant include SOD and nitrogen reductase. Although barley grass contains enzymes, the health benefits of these substances remain unclear. Enzymes are proteins, which are normally broken down into their component chemicals during digestion. However, the enzymes found in raw foods remain technologically unprotected from normal digestive processes. Barley grass and other cereal grasses may or may not be useful sources of natural vitamins and minerals. Barley grass has not been reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the German Commission E. Nutrient concentration in barley grass products varies with the conditions under which the plant is grown. Like other natural supplements, commercial barley grass is not standardized; therefore, different crops contain varying amounts of nutrients. Young barley grass plants appear to contain higher concentrations of nutrients than older plants.

One well-publicized Chinese study reported that barley grass was beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Other health claims made for barley grass remain unconfirmed.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Barberry Herbs information - Fevers Like Goldenseal contains alkaloid berberine, possess estimable powers as natural antibiotic Herbs informatioin

Barberry herbs
Barberry comes from the roots, wood, and bark of Mahonia vulgaris and M. aquitolium (also called Berberis aquifolium and B. vulgaris). Native to Europe and some parts of North America, Mahonia species are popular landscape shrubs. The plants have edible, red-orange, fruit like berries. The root wood of the barberry plant gets its bright golden-yellow color from berberine, which is added to some eye­drops and eyewashes.

History of Barberry:

Barberry has played a prominent role in herbal healing for more than 2,500 years. The ancient Egyptians used it to prevent plagues. India's Ayurvedic healers used it for dysentery. During the early middle ages, European herbalists used it to treat liver and gallbladder ailments. Russian healers used it for inflammations, high blood pressure, and for abnormal uterine bleeding. American Indians recognize barberry as similar to Oregon grape

Barberry uses:

Barberry is one of the best remedies for correcting liver function and promoting the flow of bile. It is inducted when there is an inflammation of the gall-bladder or in the presence of gall stones. When jaundice occurs due to a congested state of the liver, Barberry is also indicated. As a bitter tonic with mild laxative effects, it is used with weak or debilitated people to strengthen and cleanse the system. The herb is believed to have the ability to reduce an enlarged spleen.

Why people use Barberry herb

* As an eye astringent
* Cough
* Diarrhea
* Fever
* Jaundice

Important about Barberry Herb

  • Don't use barberry if you're pregnant because it can cause miscarriage.
  • Use this herb cautiously if you're a female of childbearing age.
  • Seek immediate medical help if you experience poisoning symptoms (diarrhea, bloody urine, painful urination, fever, flank pain, confusion, and stupor).
  • Don't consume large amounts of barberry because it contains potentially toxic chemicals.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Atractylus Herbs Information - Atractylus Herb Appetite and weight control, healthy metabolism, digestion, energy

Atractylus Herb
This is a Chinese herb that does not stand by itself. In Chinese medicine it is used in combination with other herbs as it is here to help the immune system and tone the body. In Chinese lore it is used as a Qi balancer. Ones Qi pronounced Chi is ones energy and energy flow. A very famous formula for ginseng commonly prescribed as a tonic by Chinese herbalists is a combination of equal parts of the following herbs: Ginseng, dried ginger, Atractylus, and Glycyrrhizae (licorice root). This combination, known as "Ginseng Soup," is especially beneficial to the digestive and metabolic functions and provides warmth and energy to the muscles.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ashwagandha herbs information - Ashwagandha Fatigue, brain function, reproductive system, asthma, indigestion, arthritic inflammation, skin disease.


Long ago
- before the births of Buddhism, Yoga and Christianity - there was recorded the use of ashwagandha as a healing herb in India. Today, after thousands of years of continuous use, ashwagandha is regarded as one of the most valuable Ayurvedic medicinal plants.

Ashwagandha : A powerful aphrodisiac

Sometimes called "Indian Ginseng" ashwagandha - Latin name, Withania somnifera - has been used in a number of forms to treat a huge variety of physical maladies. The roots and leaves of the plant are prepared traditionally as powder, decoction, oil, poultice, etc. These have been suggested for the remedy of various health problems nervous disorders, intestinal infections,and impotency. Above all, it is popularly used by physicians in India as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Ashwagandha Treatments

After long use in India, ashwagandha has been introduced to the West and has enjoyed a very enthusiastic reception among the scientific community.Its use has been mentioned as a tonic for men and woman etc.

Also noted was its use in folk medicine against arthritis, asthma, cancer, candidiasis, colds, cough, cystitis, debility, diarrhea, fever, gynecopathy, hiccups, hypertension, inflammations, lumbago, nausea, piles, proctitis, psoriasis, rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, senility small pos, sores, syphilis, tuberculosis, tumors, typhoid and wounds.

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

- It works as anti-inflammatory substance therefore helps in reducing swellings and restoring blood supply.
- It relieves stress due to presence of vata suppressant properties which helps in nurturing nervous system.
- It helps in promoting calmness and mental satisfaction in mind due to its good penetrating powers, which helps to counter negative adaptogens.
- It has an excellent healing properties therefore has great effects in healing wounds and injuries.
- It helps in relieving from the feel of numbness and burning sensation in extremities.
- It helps in providing nourishment to the brain for its better function and greater ability to work.
- It improves mental ability, helps in gaining retaining power and improves mental concentration.

Ashwagandha adaptogenic

While it may be a bit too strong to say that ashwagandha prevents or cures everything from hiccups to cancer, it no doubt has impressive adaptogenic properties. With a program of good nutrition, it can boost both immunity and endurance.

Ashwagandha Therapeutic Uses:

Ashwagandha is the Ginseng of Ayurvedic herbal medicine
Ashwagandha is one of the wonder herbs in Ayurvedic medicine

Ashwagandha, the most well known, and famous Ayurvedic immune booster herb, which is used in many tonics.

Ashwagandha can be used by both men and women, Ashwagandha acts to calm the mind and promote sound, restful sleep.

Ahwagandha works as an adaptogen, promoting the body's ability to maintain homeostasis and resist stress, which prevents or minimizes imbalances that may lead to health problems, whether from poor diet, lack of sleep, mental stress.

Ashwagandha helps the body to tackle various types of stress.
Ashwagandha is a revitalizing herb that maintains proper nourishment of the tissues.

  • Ashwagandha increases resistance to stress
  • Ashwagandha improves physical endurance
  • Ashwagandha is a good natural nutrient for insomnia
  • Ashwagandha root contains the best nutrients for hypothyroidism
  • Ashwagandha acts a good nutrient and hormonal function for thyroid
  • Ashwagandha regulates and stimulates thyroid
  • Ashwagandha for anxiety
  • Ashwagandha for sex Libido
  • Ashawagandha as an adaptogen