Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Atractylus Herbs Information - Atractylus Herb Appetite and weight control, healthy metabolism, digestion, energy

Atractylus Herb
This is a Chinese herb that does not stand by itself. In Chinese medicine it is used in combination with other herbs as it is here to help the immune system and tone the body. In Chinese lore it is used as a Qi balancer. Ones Qi pronounced Chi is ones energy and energy flow. A very famous formula for ginseng commonly prescribed as a tonic by Chinese herbalists is a combination of equal parts of the following herbs: Ginseng, dried ginger, Atractylus, and Glycyrrhizae (licorice root). This combination, known as "Ginseng Soup," is especially beneficial to the digestive and metabolic functions and provides warmth and energy to the muscles.

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