Saturday, January 24, 2009

Barberry Herbs information - Fevers Like Goldenseal contains alkaloid berberine, possess estimable powers as natural antibiotic Herbs informatioin

Barberry herbs
Barberry comes from the roots, wood, and bark of Mahonia vulgaris and M. aquitolium (also called Berberis aquifolium and B. vulgaris). Native to Europe and some parts of North America, Mahonia species are popular landscape shrubs. The plants have edible, red-orange, fruit like berries. The root wood of the barberry plant gets its bright golden-yellow color from berberine, which is added to some eye­drops and eyewashes.

History of Barberry:

Barberry has played a prominent role in herbal healing for more than 2,500 years. The ancient Egyptians used it to prevent plagues. India's Ayurvedic healers used it for dysentery. During the early middle ages, European herbalists used it to treat liver and gallbladder ailments. Russian healers used it for inflammations, high blood pressure, and for abnormal uterine bleeding. American Indians recognize barberry as similar to Oregon grape

Barberry uses:

Barberry is one of the best remedies for correcting liver function and promoting the flow of bile. It is inducted when there is an inflammation of the gall-bladder or in the presence of gall stones. When jaundice occurs due to a congested state of the liver, Barberry is also indicated. As a bitter tonic with mild laxative effects, it is used with weak or debilitated people to strengthen and cleanse the system. The herb is believed to have the ability to reduce an enlarged spleen.

Why people use Barberry herb

* As an eye astringent
* Cough
* Diarrhea
* Fever
* Jaundice

Important about Barberry Herb

  • Don't use barberry if you're pregnant because it can cause miscarriage.
  • Use this herb cautiously if you're a female of childbearing age.
  • Seek immediate medical help if you experience poisoning symptoms (diarrhea, bloody urine, painful urination, fever, flank pain, confusion, and stupor).
  • Don't consume large amounts of barberry because it contains potentially toxic chemicals.

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